Friday, March 16, 2007

Second Blog

this would be my second attempt at a blog. After discussing 'blogs' with my peers it seems that 'everyone' has one!

"Why don't you have My Space ?" they ask.

Firstly, the main reason I am not a ' net-nerd' is that I do not have access to the internet at home. While I can use it at uni, I do not have the novelty of jumping on the net to instant message my flatmat who I need to talk to about the washing up (Messaging her will be less awkward it seems).

Secondly, to a certain extent I believe the internet, text-messaging, emails and MSN are supplementary forms of communication. Yes, the internet is great to keep in touch with distant friends i.e. your frustrating flatmate. Yes, the internet is relatively cheap ( as is a phone call ). However, it seems to me to be an extra, for which you need a base of talking and face-to-face communication.

I have observed my little sister (spawn of this technology) chatting whole-heartedly to a peer on the internet, yet in the class room she is too shy to say "hello". I have witnessed friends in serious relationships being dumped by text messaging, and I have seen people with photos posted on their web sites be commented as "dog ugly". I know what your thinking... 'that I might not want to risk being hurt , or open myself out for the world to see'. You are wrong.

I like the idea of leaving an opinion for all to see. Recieving a picture msg of how good the surf is, is terrific. Keeping in touch with everseas commrades is very handy. Text messaging is convenient for instructions etc. Blogs are great for passing a course ;). However, It is my personal opinion that many new communication technologies are not sole-communicating techniques.

1 comment:

microh said...


I lurve electronic communication and can't live without my computer. I'm obviously not up with the times though because I too don't have My Space and I'm not too up there on the old text messaging as well.

See you in the tutorial tomorrow.
